flip the record, a nerdy fanblog

August was beautiful and so are you

The title of this post came from a dream I had last night. Except in the dream I kept trying to write out the phrase and couldn't spell for the life of me, so actually more like a nightmare?

Some noteworthy things from last month:

ED RUSCHA AND THE GREAT AMERICAN WEST. We went to see this exhibition at the DeYoung and I could've stayed there for hours. It's like walking through a museum display of True Stories: images of gas stations, parking lots, billboards, and flat western landscapes, accompanied by quirky titles and phrases.


Maybe it was because I spent 5 years in LA (where Ruscha has lived most of his life) and grew up taking roadtrips through the Southwest that this exhibition was especially fascinating to me. In any case, I highly recommend checking out Ruscha's works if your aesthetic is anything close to mine.

WRONG WAY UP. Been slowly delving into Eno's discography through his collaborations with other people, and this one—made with John Cale in 1990—is absolutely wonderful. Listen here.

STRANGER THINGS. Man, supernatural 80s throwbacks featuring kids on bikes are so hot right now (see: Super 8, Paper Girls). But seriously, what a fantastic show. Also, the original soundtrack is really, really cool.

TWIN PEAKS. Previously, I'd never really been interested in watching Twin Peaks (too creepy? too weird? too dark?), but apparently it's a natural progression after Stranger Things, or at least Netflix thought so. At this point we're halfway through, and I find myself weirdly captivated despite totally hating it at first. We just finished the first episode of Season Two and it's some of the best television I've ever watched. I love the bizarre, surreal scenes (and hate the melodramatic soap opera stuff, as self-aware as it may be). I hear Season Two is pretty hit or miss, so we'll see what happens from here.


In other news, it's finally starting to get warm(er) in San Francisco and we are going to the Roots Picnic in less than a month! LILYAIG.