flip the record, a nerdy fanblog

Blue songs

Today I tried out Spotify's Discover Weekly for the first time. For the uninformed, it's a music discovery algorithm that takes songs you've listened to recently, finds playlists containing those songs, then chooses other songs from those playlists and presents them to you in a 2-hour bundle every Monday. It's a surprisingly accurate way of finding music that I both really enjoy and haven't heard before. Kudos, Spotify!

Favorite discoveries of the day included  "If I Stay Too Long" by The Creation (could totally hear this in a Wes Anderson movie) and "Boy Blue" by ELO (I have a feeling there are a lot of ELO songs I've never heard but would really love).

But the major discovery was this gem, which I thought FOR SURE was a Rolling Stones deep cut until I looked at the artist name:


Nope, not the Stones covering Dylan. Just a lead singer who made it his goal to sound EXACTLY like Mick Jagger.

I looked them up; they're a Bay Area band from the 60s who had a decent amount of success. Who knew?