flip the record, a nerdy fanblog

Celebrate Christmas, Beatles and Monkees-style!

The following video is from the Monkees Christmas episode. I'm surprised the ~~gay~~ apparel gag was allowed on TV...wasn't TV still pretty censored in 1968? I'm pretty sure I've posted this before, but you can never watch it too many times:


Finding a way to incorporate the holiday season into this journal wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be. Most of my favorite bands have done something Christmassy. Every year from 1963 to 1969, the Beatles issued a Christmas record for their fan club. The first couple are incredibly silly; the next few consist of a bunch of drug-induced nonsense, and by the last ones they were obviously pretty disinterested in the whole thing. Nevertheless, they are all pretty great. Back before YouTube, when I actually had to search high and low for Beatles promos, bootlegs, and lesser-known records, I managed to find all the Christmas records and put them on a CD (I was just that obsessed). Anyway, listening to them again, I must say my favorite has got to be 1964:
