flip the record, a nerdy fanblog

Confessions about Twin Peaks


(Minimal spoilers ahead.)

• Prior to actually watching the show, I thought Twin Peaks was a crime drama that took place in San Francisco. I'd also never seen any of David Lynch's work. That is to say, my background knowledge was pretty nonexistent.

• It wasn't a person who convinced me to finally watch the show, it was Netflix.


• I haaaaated the first episode. Maybe it was because I didn't understand that it was supposed to be a soap opera (a very bizarre one, but a soap nonetheless). Although, I'm pretty sure if I were to watch the pilot again, I'd still think the acting was overdone and the characters completely unbearable.

• I continued to hate pretty much every character throughout Season One. Yet I couldn't. stop. watching. Kind of like the current presidential election. 😬

• The only character I liked right off the bat was Albert Rosenfield.

• After Leland Palmer "recovered" from his sorrows, I remember thinking, "Oh hey, he's not so bad now." I even thought he was suddenly attractive with his new white hair, in a silver fox sort of way. (I deeply regret those thoughts.)

• Certain episodes freaked me out so much that I made Alex sit in the bathroom while I showered at night, so I wouldn't be alone.

• Characters I initially couldn't stand but ended up really liking: Audrey, Bobby, Andy, Ben Horne. I was even rooting for Leo at the end, which is a real strange thing to say.

• I think I was supposed to feel bad for Harold Smith but, I didn’t. You sir, are a creeper:

• The addition of Annie very nearly ruined the show for me.

• I couldn't wait to finish the last few episodes because I wanted to go on Tumblr and see what the fandom was like. (Also, a Tumblr search for "Dale Cooper," much to my bewilderment, resulted in a screen full of NSFW pictures because apparently our favorite FBI agent shares a name with a gay porn star.)

• I have shamelessly adopted Special Agent Dale Cooper's overuse of the thumbs up, both in real life and emoji form. (I mean, Kyle MacLachlan does it, too.)

• I've gone to Amoeba probably ten times in the past month in an attempt to find the vinyl reissue of the Twin Peaks soundtrack. Last night I finally gave in and ordered it online.

• Things that Twin Peaks made me afraid of: chess, owls, spindly trees, mirrors, brushing my teeth.

• Things that Twin Peaks made me appreciate: the Pacific Northwest, diners, Civil War re-enactments, creepy synth music, Kyle MacLachlan.

• Sadly, I'll never truly be able to relate to this fictional town's love of coffee, but the pie I can definitely get down with.
