flip the record, a nerdy fanblog

Eight Days A Week: A Drinking Game

Sooooo, I've watched Eight Days A Week twice in the past 24 hours and have a lot to say about the film itself, but while I put that together, here's a drinking game.


One drink whenever:

  • A photo is subtly "enhanced" with moving cigarette smoke
  • Modern-day Ringo is seen wearing a peace sign
  • George waves awkwardly
  • The Beatles perform in a different country
  • Brian Epstein looks fabulous
  • Someone describes something as "mahhvelous," "fab," or "a laff"
  • There's a cheesy reference to the Beatles' haircuts
  • Georgestache
  • Paulbeard
  • A girl faints (it was going to be whenever a girl screams, or cries, but that is literally the entire film)

Two drinks:

  • For any B&W footage that is obviously/painfully colorized
  • Jimmie Nicol appears
  • Paul admits to being high during the filming of Help!


  • George Martin is directly referred to as a god
  • John apologizes

Disclaimer: It's possibly more fun to come up with these than to actually play them (see also: TOS 1TOS 2, and Pete Townshend's autobiography). Really, all I'm trying to get you to do is watch the film.