flip the record, a nerdy fanblog

From the Rock Hall 25 website

Special Guests Added!

There are a few special guests we have just released who will be joining the artists already announced. James Taylor, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt, Little Richard, Jeff Beck and Sting are few of the amazing artists who will be joining us these nights. More will be announced in the future. Who would you like to see them play with?

Ummmm, James Taylor and Paul Simon, y/n?? Not only because he always comes up on my Paul Simon playlist, but also because of this (Myspace was literally the only place I could find this video). Haha Paul Simon looks like a little kid! It's weird to hear him doing the upper harmonies. Too bad it cuts out at the last(?) song.

I am also excited for Jackson Browne because I absolutely love The Pretender, excited for Bonnie Raitt because I know my parents like her, and excited for Little Richard because it's LITTLE RICHARD. Hahaha I mean, I dunno if they'll be at the Thursday or Friday show, but either way, they're all awesome. 30 DAYS!!

edit: Oh nevermind, the website lists who'll be playing with who. James Taylor, Bonnie Raitt, and Jackson Browne are performing with CS&N. AMAZING! Also on the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame website, there are individual pages for each of the performing artists. On the S&G page, it describes them as a "meticulous, bookish duo" and then goes on to say that after their breakup in 1970, "both men entered the new decade as solo artists. Garfunkel tended toward adult-oriented pop, while Simon wrote and recorded wry, angst-filled songs spiced with ethnic accents." I think that is a hilarious description, but a true one, haha.