flip the record, a nerdy fanblog

Is this a freaky dream?

I know I've already shared this via Twitter, but it's one of my favorite things of all things, so I have no shame in posting it everywhere:


Ahah, the booty shake at the end is the icing on the cake. Confirmed: Mick Jagger and David Bowie can literally do whatever they want. I like to imagine that one day Bowie was like "Hey Mick, let's record this song!" and then they set up some cameras and made the video how we used to make ours in high school, with the song playing quietly from a CD player in the corner and absolutely no one else around. I'm just going to pretend that that's how it happened...don't try to convince me otherwise.

(Equally important is this version, with "Dancing In The Street" replaced with "Cotton Eye Joe.")

On a related note, our most recent album was The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, which I think wins for best album title and also best album ending (those strings!). I must admit that during the first listen we were in lousy moods (mostly owing to failed tabla re-heading attempts) and then didn't listen to it again for a while. But then we did, and it instantly became 1000x better. It was also the soundtrack of our drive from SF to SLO last weekend...awesome for driving down 101 at night after a long day of work. Although "Five Years" got stuck in my head for about a week, "Starman" is my current favorite song to belt out at random times.

Anyway, this has been another classic case of "Why have I never listened to this before??" I mean seriously, who goes this far in life without listening to a full David Bowie album? We're now on the hunt for more of his stuff, specifically Station to Station and Hunky Dory.

...it is quite freaky, isn't it?