flip the record, a nerdy fanblog

January 10th Resolutions

I'm not a huge fan of New Year's resolutions. I like the idea, but it never really makes a difference in my short- or long-term goals. I guess that could be said for a lot of the things I try to get inspiration from (womp womp).That said, I still made plenty of resolutions this year (because I guess I never learn!). Many of them don't really pertain to this blog. But, there are a few that I think are relevant, and I'm listing them here:

Read more. Somewhere along the line I lost the attention span for reading, which is a huge bummer. But I'm determined to get it back, coupled with my "spend less time mindlessly browsing the Internet" attempt.

Reading is important simply because: without a constant input of words, I lose inspiration and stop writing. And I don't want that to happen! It doesn't matter if it's novels, short stories, biographies, news...I just want to read more, learn more, know more.

On that note, I recently used an Amazon gift card to get Mark Lewisohn's Beatles biography, Tune In, and it has been amazing so far (944 pages focused ONLY on the Beatles before they were famous). If you ever wanted to know every single ailment Ringo had as a child, this is the book for you. Listen to more records. Exactly what it sounds like, records being the key word. Alex and I have lived in 4 apartments together and each time our poor record player seemed to get less and less use (actually, in the last apartment it was never even set up; there was no room!).

But that ends now! We just recently put the finishing touches on our new system and finally pulled our records out of storage, and re-listening to all my favorites on vinyl has been one of my favorite ways to unwind after a long day.

Our trusty record player

Re-do the blog. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but didn't know exactly how to go about it. But now I have some concrete goals.

The first is to come up with a new name. "Electric Kool-Aid" is 60s psychedelia at its finest (look up Tom Wolfe titles if you are unfamiliar), but it's a name that I picked over 5 years ago without too much thought. I'd like to find a name that's a little less wacky, a little more relevant.

The next big step is to move to Wordpress (sorry, Blogger!). Over the years I've found that Blogger is limiting in a lot of ways (mostly layout and formatting for me), while Wordpress allows for much more versatility. Plus, WP is more sleek and sophisticated overall. I have no doubt it'll be a tough move, but hopefully the end result will be much better!

And lastly, I want to write more in this blog, which is something that will happen if I succeed with all the above goals. I guess that gives you guys—my two/three readers—a way to track my progress. Feel free to keep me in check! I hardly ever get comments on this thing, so even a "HEY WHY DON'T YOU UPDATE ANYMORE" is welcome.

Happy (belated) New Year!