flip the record, a nerdy fanblog

March sampler

Happy Spring! Here are a bunch of pictures of David Byrne riding bicycles:


Also, an update on Contemporary Color: the documentary film is premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival next month! I hope it eventually makes it out to the masses...I'd love to watch more DB geeking out over colorguard.

A few other things:

  • Check out Human Ottoman. They are a Portland group who have played with the Timeshare on a few occasions, including last week's show at the Starry Plough. Cello/drum/(electric)vibraphone madness.
  • Recently I bought tickets to see Paul Simon and Bob Dylan at the Greek (not together, although the shows are within a week of each other). Both tickets came with a free copy of their new albums, because apparently both Paul Simon and Bob Dylan have albums coming out this year?!
  • The Beatles, sitcom style. Honestly, things like this are what I live for.