flip the record, a nerdy fanblog

Martha My Dear

For some light Saturday viewing, here is a pictorial tribute to Martha, Paul's sheepdog a.k.a. The Real Fifth Beatle:

Why that last picture never made it as an album cover is a mystery to me.

And also, because Post-Beatles Martha must not be forgotten, here are some McCartney family photos that also happen to showcase how cool of a dad 70s Paul was:

AAAAND because I've already gone too far with this post, might as well share this video featuring more Martha and Cool Dad Paul. Can I also just take this opportunity to profess my unabashed love for Linda McCartney, and how unfair it was that she had to die and Paul subsequently got involved with this hot mess? I like to keep things chill on this blog, but for the record, Heather Mills is the absolute worst.


But back to Martha.

She lived a long life (15 years!) and saw Paul through the end of the Beatles and the start of his family. It's obvious from the pictures and video that they were meant for each other. <3