Well, if this coronavirus scare is good for one thing, it's forcing me to stay at home, sitting at my computer being bored and introspective to the point of reviving this blog. *dusts off Wordpress dashboard*
To quickly summarize the last half a year in a nutshell: I started writing more for Hoodline (some recent stories I'm proud of can be found here and here), watched every Bon Appetit Test Kitchen video in existence and have expanded my home cooking repertoire by at least 2 recipes, and joined an all-women community orchestra in Oakland! It's been a joy having weekly access to percussion instruments and the opportunity to play really cool pieces with epic chime parts like this one.
One of the pieces for our winter concert was Appalachian Spring, but as one might expect, the show was cancelled (thanks, coronavirus). So in honor of this famous piece I still haven't played in concert, I wanted to share some other versions of Appalachian Spring.
A really impressive choreographed version by the UMD Symphony Orchestra:
1987 Cadets ripped from a VHS tape (good lord, that crowd reaction at 10:15):
Blast! (remember Blast!? The 2000s vibes are strong in this video):
EDIT: The musicians of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra playing their parts from home during quarantine. Amazing.
And, just for funsies, a different "spring" (YouTube suggested this video to me, and I won't lie, it's exactly the kind of content I want to see):
Death by time signature!