flip the record, a nerdy fanblog

Those good good Beatles harmonies

Last week, after a particularly long bus ride in which I listened to "Yes It Is" (a severely underrated song, IMO) no less than five times in a row, I was inspired to compile the perfect playlist of Beatles harmonies. Or at least, perfect to me.

This is by no means comprehensive...just a few of my favorites, arranged (mostly) chronologically because I always think it's so interesting to hear how the Beatles' songwriting/recording techniques evolved over time. You can hear them getting more comfortable singing together with each song, until finally you get to "Because" which 10 times out of 10 blows me away with those otherworldly vocals.

(If you don't have Spotify, I'm sorry. It's impossible to make a Beatles playlist on YouTube.)

I had to include "The End," because 1) the other Abbey Road songs kinda leave you hanging, and 2) they do sneak some great harmonies in there.

Also, yesterday was George's birthday! Happy birthday, dear George.


