flip the record, a nerdy fanblog

Top Fives

A long time ago I attempted to make a thing out of Music Listography, but unfortunately failed after the first entry (I don't even know where that notebook went, bummer). It's a shame because it's a cool idea, and although Alex and I have made similar lists as a way to pass the time on road trips, writing them down and backing them up with YouTube videos is a fun/shameless way to plug some of your favorite stuff, which of course is the point of this whole blog.

So basically, I revisited that old post and decided I wanted to try again, refashioning the listography part into Top 5 lists à la High Fidelity.

Speaking of the Beatles and being obvious, I'm not going to pretend that my top Side 1 Track 1s would be anything other than mainstream (Highway 61 Revisited, "Like a Rolling Stone," I mean come on…). Actually, I'm sure all of my Top 5 things are pretty mainstream, at least in terms of Stuff That Baby Boomers Like. But hey, I'm not claiming that these are THE Top 5s, just MY Top 5s.

That said, here's my second attempt at listography...with somewhat Nikki-specific categories, complete with (hopefully not broken) YouTube links!

Top 5 Beatles songs I tend to forget about but then get SO HAPPY when I remember them:

Top 5 Favorite Lyricists (i.e. People Who Make Me Want To Write Songs):

Can I just say that choosing a Paul Simon song is what kept me from posting this for like a week? I think a Top 5 Paul Simon Lyrics list would be nearly impossible.

Top 5 Favorite Guitar Hero II Songs
Ahhhh, college...

And because I don't mean for this to be limited to just music,

Top 5 Favorite Jack Nicholson Movie Scenes

I've got lots of material for a follow-up post (Top 5 TOS Episodes, Top 5 Who Songs Sung by John Entwistle, Top 5 Cat Videos on YouTube, etc.). Do you have any? I feel like this blog is very un-interactive (which is probably mostly due to its readership being like 4 people at max), so I welcome any contributions or ideas!

Happy weekend.