Funny how the seasons change exactly when you want them to.
I was so ready for cold weather and rain and early nights, and now that it's November, here they are all at once! My summer-obsessed self finds it hard to believe I could feel so happy walking down Market in my puffy jacket and scarf, carrying an umbrella just in case. Yet here I am, bundled up on my bus ride home, secretly enjoying the 5pm darkness because it means I can creepily look into everyone's beautiful San Francisco homes as they start decorating for the holidays.
November also means NaNoWriMo, a.k.a. my attempt to write a 50,000-word novel in a month, a.k.a. my becoming a complete hermit for 30 days. So far, I'm staying on track, just barely:
I generally average just enough words per day before I reward myself with an episode (or two) of Mad Men because IT'S 2015 AND I'M FINALLY OBSESSED WITH MAD MEN. More on that later....probably in December.
Anyway, this was just a short PSA to let you know I might be on a month-long hiatus while trying to churn out a novel (or something like it). I'll let you know how it goes.