flip the record, a nerdy fanblog

Your weekly (daily? hmmm...) Simon and Garfunkel video

In the parts where they're running down the street, they totally remind me of When the Blood Comes Home (a reference that maybe two people will get):

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWPXqxc9Lj0&hl=en&fs=1&]

87 DAYS!!!!

Oh and when I was home on Friday night, I discovered we have all S&G albums on vinyl (except Bookends, the one everyone else seems to have) and 3 Paul Simon solo albums. It made me so very happy. I thought the liner notes for Wednesday Morning 3 AM - which were written by Art Garfunkel - were cute, so I saved part of them by taking a picture with my phone:

How great to be a college student with a hit record, haha. I love the fact that "cubbies," finals, and scooters are just as important/relevant as record production and Kafka analogies.

AND GET THIS (totally unrelated): this is the most exciting news I've heard in....at least two weeks: Keith Richards to publish autobiography, due Aug. 2010!